Online store management

In this course, we will address several topics, starting with the customer getting to know the store or product and even managing relationships with customers after completing the purchase process, through to the customer experience.

13 Video
Course Trainer

أكاديمية زد


About the course:

In this course we will learn about the basics that It ensures that the store is fully prepared, which will take place in two stages, the first before the order is completed, and the second after the order is completed

What will you learn?

  1. Channels where the customer learns about the product or store
  2. Content types
  3. Types of landing pages and their importance
  4. How does modern segmentation help in greater product recognition?< /b>
  5. Automation of discount codes (we need to check if they are photographed or not)
  6. Target customers with abandoned carts
  7. Improving the order fulfillment stage
  8. Order updates
  9. Communicating and building the relationship with the client
  10. The application receipt stage< /li>
  11. What after receiving the order?
  12. Repeat purchases< /li>
Course Content
the introduction
Introduction to the online store launch and management plan Watch More
Before completing the ordering process
Store familiarization stage
How modern retail contributes to the growth of the exhibition and the online store
What are landing pages?
The stage of adding products to the cart
Customer experience
After completing the order process
Delivery and shipping methods
The stage after receiving orders and gaining customer loyalty
Update order statuses
The stage of abandoned baskets
Abandoned baskets
Convert abandoned carts to purchases
a test
questions and answers

احلام الغامدي

27 أكتوبر 2023
هل فيه شهادة لاتمام الدورات وكيف يتم ارسالها واعتمادها

Nasser Al-Bishi

05 نوفمبر 2023
فية شهادة
1 from questions