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What you will learn:

  1. How to create accounts on advertising platforms
  2. Advantages of digital advertising
  3. The importance of the rate of spending on digital advertising
  4. Important matters to determine the appropriate advertising medium
  5. Learn about outcome measurement terminology
  6. Google Analytics registration requirements
  7. The importance of the Google Tag Manager tool
  8. Requirements for creating an account in Facebook Business Manager
  9. Features of the Facebook Pixel add-on
  10. What should I have before starting advertising activity?
  11. The 3 most important indicators that must be measured after the end of the advertising campaign
  12. Methods for creating various advertising campaigns on Snapchat
  13. What should I do before and after creating the advertising campaign
  14. What are keywords and the importance of identifying them
  15. Ways to modify campaigns while they are running
  16. What is A/B test and its advantages?
  17. Types of campaigns on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Google Ads and ways to create them
  18. Create advertising campaigns on Snapchat
  19. Create a Twitter ad campaign
  20. Create an ad on Google Ads

  21. Create an advertising campaign on Instagram

About Zed:

Z is a Saudi holding company, established in 2017 AD, aiming to enable the retail sector to enter the world of electronic retail in an easy and professional manner.


  1. Introduction

  2. The difference between digital and non-digital advertising

  3. Rate of spending on digital advertising

  4. Advertising means

  5. How digital ads work

  6. How to determine the appropriate advertising medium

  7. Important terms in electronic marketing

  8. Google Analytics

  9. Register with Google tag manager

  10. Snapchat business tool

  11. Create an advertising account through Facebook business manager

  12. Linking Instagram to the advertising account

  13. Create an Ad account

  14. Add Facebook Pixel

  15. Steps to be aware of before starting advertising activity

  16. During the advertising campaign

  17. After the advertising campaign

  18. Create an advertising campaign on snapchat_Part One

  19. Create an advertising campaign on snapchat_Part Two

  20. Creating an advertising campaign on snapchat_Part Three

  21. Twitter campaign types

  22. Introduction to advertising on Twitter

  23. Creating an advertising campaign on Twitter_Part One

  24. Creating an advertising campaign on Twitter_Part Two

  25. Create a Google Ads account

  26. Create an ad on Google Ads

  27. Types of campaigns in Google Ads

  28. Convert from simple mode to expert mode

  29. Crowd sourcing

  30. Determine specific days and times for advertising

  31. The most beautiful tools in Google Ads

  32. Types of campaigns on Instagram

  33. Create an advertising campaign on Instagram

  34. Conclusion

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  1. Can be viewed anywhere and anytime.
  2. Valid to watch for life.
  3. Easy to view from your phone.

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صفا الحاوي

09 سبتمبر 2023
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